localhostphpmyadmin loads my other website
SQL Queries in phpMyAdmin - Support Center localhost phpmyadmin
Step 2: Open the phpMyAdmin In order to check whether the mySQL is work or not, Open your browser and enter http:localhostphpmyadmin This will bring you
localhost phpmyadmin All of the following examples will bring you phpMyAdmin on http:localhost:8080 where you can enjoy your happy MySQL administration Credentials phpMyAdmin I changed the password to the root user a great number of times and none of the times was I successful in being able to login to phpmyadmin or I installed PHP 8 and it is showing PHP 8 when I type php -v I also installed apache2, and phpmyadmin but when I go to http:localhostphpmyadmin it says
4x4ha Display interface localhost phpMyAdmin WsBQrjvs551P?ref=app